beneficial ownership, Corruption, Open Government, Open ContractAbstract
Open Government is part of the process of preventing corruption by giving the public assurances that they may watch or pay attention to how state administrators behave as reflected in transparency, accountability, participation, and use of technology. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of Open Government in eradicating corruption and the factors that influence it. The method used is a literature review of action plan documents, articles, and other related documents. It is hoped that this research will be useful in knowing the obstacles to preventing corruption through open government. The research was carried out on the action plan carried out by OGI and limited it to two action plans, namely related to the transparency of the procurement sector and beneficial ownerships. It is known that open contracts have not been effective due to differences in perceptions between the public and the government regarding data and collusion with parties related to procurement. For this reason, integrity is needed in the procurement process and leadership commitment regarding the implementation of Perki 21 of 2021. As for the beneficial ownership, data verification and integration are required as well as stricter enforcement of sanctions if they do not report the beneficial owner's data or submit the data incorrectly. In addition, related to community participation, it can be carried out by maximizing the use of SPAN LAPOR.
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